- examples of Vincent van Gogh's sunflower paintings
- a 9x12 black piece of construction paper OR larger
- pencil
- Elmer's school glue
- construction paper crayons (oil pastels or chalk pastels would also work but would be a bit messy for 2nd grade)
Introduce Vincent van Gogh and his sunflower paintings. Discuss the composition, variation of colors, flowers,
vases, and the painterly quality of the works of art. Why do you think van Gogh
painted the sunflowers more than once (to get better and better)? How does he
show depth in these paintings (lightness and darkness of colors and
overlapping)? How does he establish variety and unity (through color and
shape)? Is there an emotion conveyed?
Demonstrate drawing (with pencil) a bouquet
of flowers in a vase. Two or three different varieties of sunflowers should be
drawn and overlapping should be apparent to show
depth. I have students repeat each type of flower at least once. The vase and tabletop should be added next. Stems and leaves should be
added in a variety of greens.
should outline their drawing with a thin line of glue. Allow glue to dry before
coloring in the composition with construction paper crayons. I have students stick to warm colors when coloring in their flowers. I also give students the option to sign their name on the vase the way Vincent did :)